Human rights and transparency

Together for Life supports individuals and communities to exercise and enjoy the right to participation, freedom of information and access to justice.
TFL encourages government and the private sector to design and implement more accountable and transparent policies, and to focus on respecting the fundamental rights of the individual.
To achieve this goal, the TFL, through surveys and field studies, identifies issues related to the recognition and observance of human rights and the areas where these rights are most violated, and proposes to the relevant institutions to take legislative measures and / or administrative to rectify the situation. We work closely with the National Institutions of Human Rights to identify and resolve any case where the violation of the rights of the individual / group of individuals is identified, mainly by public institutions.

Also, TFL:
✅​Works with central institutions and the media to increase access to information;
✅​Contributes to improving access to information especially for marginalized communities;
✅​Monitors government spending policies and makes them public;
✅​Supports human rights awareness campaigns.


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TFL organizon workshop-in e dytë me OSHC: “Transparenca dhe llogaridhënia në sektorin e shëndetësisë – Pse është me rëndësi pjesëmarrja e OSHC-ve në buxhetim?”

TFL organizes the second workshop with CSOs: "Transparency and accountability in the health sector – Why is CSOs' participation in budgeting important?"

Prezantimi i projektit “Rritja e angazhimit të komunitetit në Vaun e Dejës për zgjidhjen e çështjeve lokale”, tryezë konsultimi për vlerësimin e nevojave

Presentation of the project "Increasing community engagement in Vau i Dejes for resolving local issues", consultation table for the needs assessment

TFL ngre çështjet prioritare në sektorin e shëndetësisë, në seancën dëgjimore mbi diskutimin e projekt-buxhetit 2024

TFL raises priority issues in the health sector, in the hearing session on the discussion of the draft budget 2024

Takimi i parë konsultues me vajza dhe gra të komunitetit dhe Këshillit Bashkiak në Bashkinë Vau i Dejës

First consultative meeting with girls and women from the community and Municipal Council in Vau i Dejes

Kapacitetet financiare të sistemit shëndetësor publik në Shqipëri

Financial capacities of the public health system

Menaxhimi i sëmundjeve jo të transmetueshme në kushte emergjencash shëndetësore

Management of chronic diseases in emergency situations

COVID-19/ Vaksinat, roli i tyre në mbrojtjen e popullatës dhe nevoja për transparencë

COVID-19/ Vaccines, their role in protecting the population and the need for transparency

Viktimat e dhunës në marrëdhëniet familjare

Domestic violence victims