Youth and their empowerment

Since 2009, we mobilize, integrate and empower the potential of young people through awareness-raising, information, advocacy and lobbying activities in the fields of education, media, gender equality, health and employment.
TFL TFL has organized and coordinated various initiatives for youth exchanges, youth training, community services, programs at local, national and international levels.
These programs are supported by foreign and Albanian donors, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the Europen Youth Foundation, UNFPA, Olof Palme International Center, UNDP, UN Women, etc., who have appreciated the principles and values of the organization.
In the Program "Youth and their empowerment" you will find some of the projects and activities that our organization has implemented over the years, with a focus on youth, through financial support from various donors.


DIGI-LEARN Learning to learn in digital environments

DIGI-LEARN Learning to learn in digital environments

Transnational United Network in Europe

Transnational United Network in Europe

Projekti “Fashioration”

"Fashioration" project

Sexual and reproductive health rights of adolescents in Albania

Sexual and reproductive health rights of adolescents in Albania

Manual “Kuptojmë dhunën me bazë gjinore dhe mësojmë si të qëndrojmë të sigurt”

Manual “Kuptojmë dhunën me bazë gjinore dhe mësojmë si të qëndrojmë të sigurt”

Projekti “DIGI-LEARN”, organizohet takimi i parë në Spanjë

DIGI-LEARN project, TFL attended the first transnational meeting in Spain

Nxënës dhe aktivistë të rinj në Vaun e Dejës flasin lidhur me sfidat dhe perspektivat, në takimin konsultues me Kryetarin e Këshillit Bashkiak në Vaun e Dejës

Students and young activists in Vau i Dejes speak about challenges and perspectives, in the consultative meeting with the Chairman of Vau i Dejes Municipal Council

Të rinjtë aktivistë nga shkollat e mesme në Lezhë, performojnë teatrin e rrugës në kuadër të 16Ditëve të Aktivizmit Kundër Dhunës me Bazë gjinore

Youth activists from high schools in Lezha, perform the street theater on the 16 days of activism against gender based violence