Title of Project: "Clean air, healthy life"Strengthening democracy in healthcare by respecting human rights

Donor: Embassy of Netherlands in Albania

Duration: August 1, 2017 - July 31, 2018

Project goal: The project aimed to promote democracy by increasing awareness about human and patients' rights, and fighting gender discrimination. This was achieved through the surveys, information campaigns, training sessions, monitoring and media approach, with the scope to educate people and to encourage the health decision-makers to respect and enforce the laws on health care and abortion, as well as the patients' rights charter.

The project objectives were:

4. To increase public pressure through investigative journalism to increase health official's accountability and improve governance.


1. To provide more evidence based oriented discussions about the selective abortion in Albania and to further develop the efforts against gender discrimination in Albania

2. To enforce human and patients' rights as a way to promote democracy and strengthen health governance.

3. To increase population and service providers awareness on the gender discrimination through sex selection abortion and its negative effects on the society and the development of the country.

Histori suksesi:

Gjykata rrëzon ISHSH-në, lihet në fuqi detyrimi i dhënies së informacionit të kërkuar nga TFL për inspektimet mbi abortet

Gjykata Administrative e Shkallës së Parë Tiranë ka rrëzuar Kërkesë-padinë e Inspektoriatit Shtetëror Shëndetësor, me të cilën ishte kërkuar Shfuqizimi i pikave 1 dhe 2, të Vendimit nr. 34, datë 13.07.2018, të Komisionerit për të Drejtën e Informimit dhe Mbrojtjen e të Drejtave Personale.

Me Vendimin e sipërm, Komisioneri për të Drejtën e Informimit dhe Mbrojtjen e të Dhënave Personale urdhëroi Inspektoriatin Shtetëror Shëndetësor të vërë në dispozicion brenda afatit ligjor, informacionin e kërkuar nga Gazeta “Shëndet plus”.
