Title of Project: "Clean air, healthy life"Europe respects human rights
Donor: European Union Delegation in Albania
Time of implementation:26 September 2019 – 26 January 2021
Areas of implementation: Tirana, Shkodra, Elbasani
Beneficiaries: Independent institutions that protect human rights (Ombudsman, Commissioner for Protection from discrimination (CPD) and Information and Data Protection Commissioner (IDP)
Summary of the Project
All activities of the project (two studies research, the meetings, the trainings with representatives of independent human rights institutions and young journalists, two conferences) have aimed to strengthen the role of independent institutions as human rights defenders, to build the capacities/raise the awareness of independent institutions related to EU legislation as well as to increase the Media Awareness on the role of independent institutions in the EU accession process.
5 open/consultative meetings with representatives of independent institutions, local CSOs, media, students and citizens about the EU accession process are done in close collaboration with the local NGOs of Shkodra and Elbasan. The meetings have served as awareness activities which bring together all the target groups and stakeholders.
An important part of the project was increase information and awareness of journalists for the main role of independent institutions of human rights and how to read the recommendations from the reports of independent institutions. The project was focused to increase of capacity building of media workers to make possible to pressure the public institutions to react more on the recommendations and decisions of the independent institutions.
The project aims were to make possibilities to strengthen the role of independent institutions as human rights defenders, to build the capacities/raise the awareness of independent institutions related to EU legislation as well as increase the Media Awareness on the role of independent institutions in the EU accession process.