As soon as you step into the entrance Shkodra, what you immediately notice are citizens using bicycles in every corner of the city, despite the difficulty due to the lack of dedicated roads. The difficulty is also increased by the huge vehicles traffic, hindering the free mobility of Shkodra citizens who have chosen the 2-wheeler as a transport mean. However, the ecological mobility of citizens through the use of bicycles remains one of the distinguishing features of Shkodra city. This mobility culture has been around for years. According to the data of the Shkodra Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, 29% of citizens use bicycle as a transport mean and 44% walk. These are positive indicators that the citizens of Shkodra have a positive tendency to be environment and air friendly. Also, Shkodra is surrounded by 3 rivers and a lake, as well as the presence of greenery, an element that helps create ventilation corridors, creates a positive impact as well. This leads you to the opinion that Shkodra should be among the least polluted cities in Albania in terms of air quality, having the above-mentioned elements at its advantage.
But, on the other hand, since the capital of the north of Albania has experienced a great development, especially in recent years, related to natural, historical and cultural tourism, having a high number of tourists who visit its attractions, and since it is also the bridge connecting Albania to Europe through the 2 main customs Hani i Hotit and Muriqan, it often falls prey to environmental and air pollution, for various reasons.
The Shkodra urban area is not perceived among the polluted cities, but from time to time there are large increases pollution level in the air, mainly related to traffic congestion, especially during the peak hours of traffic flow and activities in the construction sector. Since, as mentioned above, Shkodra is also a tourist city, especially during the summer, the increase in the level of pollution is a particularly important concern.
Unfortunately, there are no recent official data published. The National Environment Agency, as the competent institution for measuring air quality and informing the public, publishes reports on the environment situation every year. According to the last report of 2021, in the chapter on air pollution, it is stated that urban air quality monitoring with fixed stations has been carried out in the main cities of the country such as: Durres, Shkodra, Korca, Berat, Lezha and Vlora. But the values for Shkodra are only for CO and according to the report there is no exceeding. from the norm. In report of 2020, it is stated that urban air quality monitoring was carried out with automatic stations in Tirana, Durres, Shkodra, Elbasan and Korca for a 2-month period, for the indicators: PM10, PM2.5, NO2, SO2, O3, CO and based on the monitored data, it turns out that any of the monitored stations exceed the annual limit value. However, no complete data is given apart from this quote.
Previously asked about the barriers or obstacles that affect the institution in the realization of the measurements foreseen in due time, the NEA stated: "The main problem is the maintenance of the air stations. The air stations need annual maintenance, which due to the procedures and limited budget, there have been cases where it was not carried out completely".
Regarding the question about the measures that undertaken concretely, their answer was that: "NEA is tasked to provide recommendation for measures to be undertaken by the local government. It recommends the local government to take measures", while we do not have a concrete answer on the specific measures recommended.
Other data from those of the NEA reports result from alternative measurements, being the only complete data. Civil society organizations have also played an important role in addressing issues related to environmental and air quality issues, as well as in presenting concerning results from alternative measurements. Through monitoring, information and advocacy, they have tried to leave a mark.
Following this, within the "Clean air, healthy life" project during the summer period, it was enabled the monitoring of 200 stations on 4 parameters: PM2.5, PM10, NO2 and CO2, through the Aeroqual device, in areas with higher activity located near intersections and intermediate points on the main roads, as well as in those of the most peripheral neighborhoods.
Taking into account the results achieved, a high level of CO2 was evident in 88.7% of the urban area compared to the standard values, followed by NO2 which is also considered high in 54.5% of the urban area. These values reach their peak in the streets of the city center, as well as in the southern and western areas where the vehicle's activity in certain hours reaches its peak, but where there is also a lack of greenery. The maximum value of CO2 monitored during October 2022 was 756 ppm/m3 in the center of the city, in Democracy Square, while the average for the entire urban area is 405 ppm/m3, values that exceed the national and European standard (350 ppm/m3). The monitoting was carried out by GO2 Organization in Shkodra.
The project is implemented by the partner organizations Milieukontakt Albania, Together for Life, GO2 in Shkodra and EPER Center in Korca. The project is developed within "Green-AL", a project financed by the Swedish International Agency for Cooperation and Development with the funds of the Swedish Government, implemented by Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development in cooperation with VIS Albania, COSV - Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo and CISP - Sviluppo dei Popoli.
Measurements are also enabled in real time through two IQAir devices installed in two stations in Shkodra. Several times, the values of the air quality index and PM2.5 fine dust particles have resulted above the allowed rates, reaching maximum values at mid-day when the activity is also higher.
According to the studies, air degradation is a result of the combination of polluting elements with a high degree of concentration and long-term exposure of the organization to its presence, can cause a toxic effect. In polluted areas, people often suffer from bronchitis, asthma, and heart disease. Populations with greater long-term exposure to black carbon are at greater risk for cardiac arrest and stroke. Albania ranks fifth in Europe in terms of the number of deaths from heart diseases and blood pressure, with 53.7% of the total number of deaths. Eurostat and INSTAT studies show this. According to the data on morbidity from FSDKSH in 2021, the prevalence of ischemic heart diseases turns out to be higher in the city of Shkodra. Also, according to INSTAT, the District of Shkodra records the highest value of the gross mortality coefficient for the disease group "Diseases of the circulatory system". Unfortunately, we do not have the latest official data published by PIH regarding the connection between air quality and impact on health or morbidity.
Taking as a reference the indicators at a higher level of CO2 from the measurements carried out by the project, we can imagine the damage that high levels of exposure can cause to the citizens of Shkodra, and more specifically to those who live and work in urban areas every day of their lives or groups vulnerable to morbidity. An in-depth study and concrete official data for Albania would be needed, but according to WHO data, the damage and consequences from long-term exposure can go as far as causing people to die. Outdoor air pollution causes up to 7 million premature deaths each year. In Albania, during 2019, 2,257 people lost their lives as a result of pollution of the external environment and inside the house. According to the data, environmental pollution was responsible for 10% of all deaths in 2019.
Among the main factors of air pollution in Shkodra is the traffic density and the often-unmanageable traffic on its main roads, including the old vehicles used and the low quality of fuel, as well as the limited area of parks on the main urban roads (less than 1m2/inhabitant). Environmental protection and greening have an important function in improving air quality, but it seems that they are often neglected, not having any support for reforestation or rehabilitation of the green crown of the city with the right trees, which would thus reduce the amount of CO2 harmful to the residents. According to the Green Lungs 2021 report, important urban or automotive mobility routes have little or no greening. But even the planted trees do not have the proper function for cleaning the air. On the other hand, despite the awareness-raising activities carried out mostly by the local civil society of Shkodra, there is still a low level of continuous concrete actions with a visible impact from local institutions.
In the 2019 budget, approved by the City Council, 100 million ALL was the foreseen budget investment on mobility in the city, where the extent of the impact went until 2021. Shkodra Municipality, as the main institution of the bicycle city, has tried to be active in promoting urban mobility and protecting the pedaling culture. However, local municipalities, such Shkodra municipality, encounter difficulties in implementing changes with long-term impact and investments with current funds, so it remains in the hands of the local government to undertake more sustainable strategic measures.
On the other hand, just like in other municipalities, in Shkodra Municipality it is necessary to approve and implement the action plan related to air quality based on legal directives. Even the High State Control itself in its audit report published on the official website cites that "Measures taken by the central and local government to improve air quality in our country have not been effective and efficient. The National Strategy for Air Quality (SKCA) approved in 2014 has not yet been implemented. The Ministry of Tourism and Environment has never reported on the implementation of SKCA. The National Action Plan for Air Quality has not been approved and as a result no Municipality in Albania has approved Local Air Quality Action Plans". In addition, it is quoted that: "PHI has not conducted any epidemiological study to assess the cause-and-effect relationship on the impact of air quality on the health of the population". This turns out to be the current situation.
To summarize, it would be very valuable to highlight and boost the strengths of the Shkodra city, such as the culture of cycling as an early tradition or a natural advantage, working more towards policies to raise awareness of vehicle users in respect of the law, reducing the use of cars and returning to the culture and tradition of "two-wheelers", increasing control over entities that sell low-quality fuel, rehabilitating the green crown , the design of a sustainable urban mobility plan. Also, most importantly, it is necessary to implement the local air quality action plan, as well as the continuation of the monitoring process and the enrichment of descriptive reports on air quality and its impact on health by the responsible institutions, with the aim of taking measures in due time.
[1] Plani i lëvizjes së Qëndrueshme Urbane Shkodër (2017-2025) – Draft, GO2
[2] Raporti mbi monitorimin e cilësisë së ajrit, faza 1 – GO2
[3] Numri i njerëzve të sëmurë, burimi FSDKSH
[4] Statistika të Shkaqeve të Vdekjeve, burimi INSTAT, 2021
[5] 7 milionë vdekje të parakohshme çdo vit, botuar në faqen e OBSH
[6] Raporti i kostove që shkakton ndotja e ajrit në shëndetin e njerëzve, Banka Botërore 2019
[7] Raport përfundimtar, Vlerësimi Strategjik Mjedisor P.P.V. Bashkia Shkodër, 2016
[8] Mushkëri të gjelbra për qytetet tona, Green Lungs 2021
[9] KLSH raport auditimi 2017.pdf