Human rights and transparency

Together for Life supports individuals and communities to exercise and enjoy the right to participation, freedom of information and access to justice.
TFL encourages government and the private sector to design and implement more accountable and transparent policies, and to focus on respecting the fundamental rights of the individual.
To achieve this goal, the TFL, through surveys and field studies, identifies issues related to the recognition and observance of human rights and the areas where these rights are most violated, and proposes to the relevant institutions to take legislative measures and / or administrative to rectify the situation. We work closely with the National Institutions of Human Rights to identify and resolve any case where the violation of the rights of the individual / group of individuals is identified, mainly by public institutions.

Also, TFL:
✅​Works with central institutions and the media to increase access to information;
✅​Contributes to improving access to information especially for marginalized communities;
✅​Monitors government spending policies and makes them public;
✅​Supports human rights awareness campaigns.


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Angazhimi dhe pjesëmarrja e komunitetit në proceset vendimmarrëse të Vaut të Dejes, takim me përfaqësues të moshës së tretë

Engagement and participation of the community in decision-making processes, consultative meeting with elderly representatives in Vau i Dejes

Takimi i tretë konsultues me grupet e interesit në Vaun e Dejës, të rinjtë

Third consulting meeting with the groups of interest in Vau i Dejes, youth

TFL organizon tryezën e rrumbullakët për prezantimin e raportit: “A mbulon skema e FSDKSH nevojat reale të kujdesit shëndetësor”

TFL organizes round table for presentation of the report: "Does the FSDKSH scheme cover the real needs of health care"

Takimi i katërt konsultues, pacientë dhe pjesëtarë komuniteti në Vaun e Dejës dialogojnë me vendimmarrësit lokalë

The fourth consultative meeting, patients and community members in Vau i Dejes dialogue with local decision-makers

Ndikimi i COVID-19 tek personat me aftësi të kufizuar

Impact of COVID-19 to People with Disabilities in Albania

Në gjurmët e parave të COVID-19

Following the Coronavirus Money Trail. The Case of Albania

Raport Potencialet e biznesit në Bashkinë Dibër për të ofruar mundësi punësimi për të rinjtë

Raport Potencialet e biznesit në Bashkinë Dibër për të ofruar mundësi punësimi për të rinjtë

Analizë e procedurave të prokurimit publik

Analysis of public procurement procedures