Human rights and transparency
Information, advocacy, lobbying for human rights.
Health and well-being
Information, advocacy, lobbying in the health system.
Youth and their empowerment
Information, support, empowerment of young people.
Emergjencat dhe Angazhimi Komunitar
Informim, mbeshtetje, angazhim dhe fuqizim i komunitetit
Gender issues and women's empowerment
Information, lobbying and support for women.
Environmental Protection
Information and advocacy for environmental protection.
Recent activities
Health and social protection budget for 2023, the lowest in the last six years
Realizohet takimi prezantues i projektit “Qytetarët të parët: Bashkë për një qeverisje vendore transparente!”
The sixth consultative meeting, people with disabilities and those facing socio-economic issues in Vau i Dejes, discuss with the Mayor of the Municipal Council
Two-day training for winning organizations of sub-grants within the framework of the “SPACE” project
DIGI-LEARN project, TFL attended the first transnational meeting in Spain
TFL signs contracts with the winning organizations of the first round of sub-grants within the framework of the SPACE project
TFL in media
Address: Str Brigada VIII, Green Building Tekno-Projekt, Ap.13, Tirana
(+355) 069 206 6522